Children's Dentistry
Usually, children are recommended to start their dental treatment once first baby teeth has errupted as early as 6 months of age.
How it's done
Children routine cleanings last between 30 to 45 minutes. A trained hygienist will do the cleaning and a dentist will come in for an exam at the end. This procedure is painless.
Once cleaning and exam are done, the hygienist will apply flouride, which the child will not be able to eat or drink anything for 30 minutes. The flouride is a vitamin that reverses the initiation and progression of the dental carries (tooth decay) and stimulates new bone formation.
Depending on child's age sealants will be applied on the molars (back teeth). Sealants are a protective layers of plastic that is apply on the chewing surface of the molars.
X-rays are taken based off child's age. First x-rays are usually taken at the age of 5-6 years old. Bitewing x-rays are recommended to be taken every 6 months and 2D panoramic x-ray, where the patient's head is positioned with chin, forhead and side rests between the x-ray generator and the film. The patient will have to bite into a bite block to open the mouth slightly for a clearer image. The machine will then rotate around patient head, resulting in a full mouth x-ray. This type of x-ray is recommended to be taken every 3-5 years.